About cbam.hub

cbam.hub is a platform that facilitates the streamlined and seamless communication of CBAM data from suppliers of CBAM goods to the companies importing them to the EU. The platform offers a secure, automised and structured approach for the transmission of CBAM data.

cbam.hub offers no assistance to the producers of CBAM goods with the calculation of embedded emissions. Producers requiring help in the collection and calculation of CBAM data please refer to the European Commission’s CBAM webpage, specifically the Guidance document on CBAM implementation for installation operators outside the EU, or consult a CBAM expert. If you are not the producer of CBAM goods but an intermediary supplying EU companies with CBAM goods, please reach out to the producers to collect the required data.

How it works

This is how it works in principle. Your clients purchased goods that are subject to the CBAM regulation and imported them to the EU. They are obliged by EU Law to regularly provide information on the emissions associated with the production of their imported CBAM goods in the form of CBAM reports and declarations. Within these reports, importers must communicate the embedded emissions based on actual data communicated by producers and calculated according to CBAM rules.

Importers make use of cbam.hub to source CBAM data from their suppliers. They upload data on the CBAM goods they imported to the EU alongside with contact information on suppliers. cbam.hub identifies the data which needs to be obtained from suppliers to generate complete CBAM reports. cbam.hub then reaches out to producers and request the needed data. Before the submission deadline for CBAM reports, cbam.hub collects all information provided by producers and compiles reports.

Step-by-step guide for filling data queries

Click on the active data queries and review the information displayed in the first frame. This information is provided by the importing company and is intended to help you allocate data queries to your products. The names of the active data queries (displayed in the left pane) are identifiers that the importing company believes you will recognize.

In the first frame, you’ll find details on the total quantity of the specific goods imported during the previous quarter, the country of origin, and the CN code. Ensure you understand which articles your client is requesting data for, and reach out to them if any uncertainties remain.

Using the CN code of the goods selected in the left pane under active data query, you can add more goods with the same CN code to aggregate data queries. This is recommended as it reduces the time required to complete all data queries. To utilize this option, activate the checkbox at the bottom of the frame and select the goods you want to add to the data query.

To help you identify suitable additions, the identifiers from the left pane are shown under ‘Article ID’, along with the net mass imported and any other auxiliary data provided by importers displayed under ‘Other Data’.

For each added good, the number of active data queries is reduced by one. Do not use this option if you plan to submit distinct CBAM data sets (e.g., embedded emission figures) for goods that share the same CN code.

To complete an active data query, you need to assign a CBAM data set to the selected good or group of goods created in Step 2. A CBAM data set includes information on the producer or the good, the production facility, embedded emissions, production methods, and electricity consumption.

A CBAM data set is valid only for the monitoring period, which is the reference period for determining CBAM-compliant data. Typically, this period is the calendar year before the goods were imported into the EU.

To assign a CBAM data set to a data query, you first need to create at least one CBAM data set. Click on ‘Create’ and continue with step 3.1. In case you already created the corresponding CBAM data set, select is from the drop-down and click on ‘Save & Assign’ to complete the data query. In case the active data query is associated with more than one CBAM data sets, activate the checkbox ‘Multiple CBAM data sets are associated with this CBAM query’. In the following, you may specify the exact net mass of CBAM goods to be assigned the selected CBAM data set and can repeat this procedure with other CBAM data sets. Repeat until you assigned CBAM data sets to the total quantity imported of the active data query displayed under step 1.

Once this is done, the ‘Save & Assign’ button will be enabled, allowing you to complete the data query.

Provide details on the producer of the selected CBAM good by filling the missing data into the form.

In case you are not the producer of the CBAM good but an intermediary, reach out to the actual producer to obtain the required information. Active the checkbox ‘We are not the producer’ and click on ‘Add Producer’. You may then enter the information for the actual producer. If you have previously added a producer via cbam.hub, you can select this producer from the drop-down menu.

Enter the name and country of the production facility where the selected CBAM good was produced. Click on ‘Add Installation’ and fill in the required fields. If you have previously created one or more installations via cbam.hub, you can select the relevant installation from the drop-down menu instead.

Please note that installations are associated with producers, so the drop-down list will only display installations linked to the producer selected in Step 3.1.

To add CBAM data to the CBAM data set, start by providing a name for the data set. The name should be easily recognizable and representative of the CBAM goods it encompasses.

Next, enter the reporting period, which is the year during which CBAM data was monitored. The CBAM data set is valid only for this monitoring period, typically the calendar year before the goods were imported into the EU.

Under Production Methods, select one or more methods that describe the production processes for the selected CBAM goods.

In the Direct Emissions section, specify the reporting methodology used for sourcing CBAM data. If you used the official CBAM calculation rules, select ‘Commission Rules.’ If you used a different method with similar coverage and accuracy—such as those from an existing carbon pricing scheme or an emission monitoring scheme verified by an accredited verifier—select ‘Other Methods’ and provide the exact methodology in the ‘Additional Information’ field. Enter the Specific Direct Embedded Emissions according to the selected method, ensuring to convert to tons of CO2-equivalent per ton of selected CBAM good if necessary.

For Indirect Emissions, provide information on the electricity source by selecting an option from the drop-down list. Specify the specific electricity consumption, converting it to Megawatt hours per ton of CBAM good if required. You will also need to provide the emissions factor for electricity used in calculating indirect emissions. Select the source of the emissions factor from the drop-down list. If you receive electricity from the grid, you must provide an emissions factor from a publicly accessible database like the International Energy Agency (IEA). Alternatively, cbam.hub offers built-in emission factors from the organisation EMBER, which require no additional information. If you choose IEA, provide the value below. If you select ‘Other,’ include the value, source name, and additional information (such as a source link) below.

Finally, enter the Specific Indirect Embedded Emissions in tons of CO2-equivalent per ton of the selected CBAM good.

After completing all the required fields, click ‘Save & Close’ to return to Step 3.

After you have completed all active data queries, you will be presented with a summary of all completed data queries. This summary will display the number of CBAM goods in their respective groups (from Step 2), the assigned CBAM data sets, and the total net masses. By clicking on the downward-facing arrow on the right side, you can expand the list items for a more detailed overview.

If you click on ‘Delete’, it will disconnect the CBAM data set from the data query, changing their status back to ‘Active data query’. You will then need to assign a CBAM data set again.

Once you are satisfied with the data queries, click on ‘Submit Report’.